Roles & Responsibility


Ü      Development of an organizational structure in the national and regional levels and maintenance of network and co- ordination among the public health professional in the country.

Ü      Identification of the issues related to the public health profession and to take necessary actions to resolve them.

Ü Provision of input, advice and suggestion to the government organizations on policy and health care issues for improvement in public health sectors. Coordination with Ministry of Health, Department of Health Services and other sectors for relevant programs and issues.

Ü      Organization of trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences for the capacity building, promotion, development of the public health professionals and programme.

Ü     Conduction or facilitation for research/studies on relevant public health issues and publication of regular journal and other materials like book, leaflet, phamplate to disseminate health information

Ü      Establishment of a public health library with relevant audio, video and audio visual aids and other related information.

Ü     Organizing of different programme through coordination with other organization and community to management and resolve the public health problems

Ü      Expansion of networks and relationships with national and international public health organizations and sharing of information, experiences and resources for relevant public health programs through coordination and communication process.

Ü      Preparation of a profile of public health professionals and mobilization of their expertise for the development of these sectors.

Ü      To provide technical input and advice to the related organization and agencies in the process of public health policy and program development, their implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Ü     To develop group effort and coordination with other association or professional organization  working in health sectors